Walking to Conference Venue “Hotel Yak and Yeti from other Hotels.

Location Map of Hotel Yak and Yeti

Please note, prepaid taxi will cost NPR 700-800 around USD 7 one way. This is a special negotiated rate for our conference participants. There are all together 4 hotels where most of the people will stay, unless you have made your separate arrangement.
• Hotel Yak and Yeti- It is where the 5th UNI Apro Regional Conference will be held on 20-22
November 2019 at Regal Ball Room.
• Hotel Annapurna- It is in 4-5 minutes’ walk to Conference Hotel if you cross the road in
front of the Annapurna and look for gate of “Hotel Yak and Yeti” and walk ahead.

Location Map of Hotel Royal Singi

• Hotel Royal Singi is the hotel where the 5th UNI Apro Women’s Conference will be held.
In 2-3 minutes’ walk. Come out of Royal Singi to the road down and take left 100 metre, take
another left for 200 mtr and then right 100 metre.towards Yak and Yeti.

Location Map of Hotel Fairfield Mariott

• Hotel Fairfield Mariott: It is in 13-15 minutes’ walk. Come out of the Hotel Fairfield, take
left for 200 mtr towards Tridevi Road (Sadak), then take left for 150 metre and cross the
“Kantipath junction” go straight towards Palace Museum gate for 150 metre, cross on your
right from the Palace Museum junction and walk straight on your right towards “Durbar
Marg” for 300 metre, you will see the Yak and Yeti gate on your left and walk straight for
100 metr.e then turn left towards Hotel Yak and Yeti for 100 metre